A documentary titled “The Accused: Damned Or Devoted?” has received a nomination for “Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking” at the Emmy Awards. The film, directed by Mohammed Naqvi, focuses on Khadim Hussain, the former leader of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), and his commitment to questioning authorities who exploit faith for their political agendas. This nomination marks Naqvi’s third Emmy nomination, and he has previously been honored with the Television Academy Honour.
The film’s nomination at the 75th Primetime Emmy Awards is regarded as a significant recognition, highlighting the importance of creating thought-provoking content that brings about meaningful change. The nomination in the “Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking” category signifies the film’s combination of outstanding cinematography and pertinent social commentary.
In addition to Naqvi, the documentary involved co-producers Syed Musharaf Shah and Mohsin Abbas, as well as associate producers Madeeha Syed, Muhammad Sohail Rana, and Rabbia Arshad.
The accompanying statement expressed gratitude to the individuals who have supported and trusted Naqvi’s work, as the film serves as a tribute to their faith in him.